
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Exploration - Interactive Design 112

The Exploration into the senses:

After our introduction into the project we were told to bring 5 items that represented each one of the senses. So I brought along my hairbrush for touch, my highlighters for smell, my bracelets for sound (hearing), jelly crystals for taste and bubbles for sight. I chose these specific items because I thought that these items best showed the 5 different senses best to me. The hairbrush gave an interesting sensation when you run your hand or fingers over it, but gave a different sensation against your scalp when you are brushing your hair. I chose my smelly highlighters for smell because you don't expect a highlighter to smell usually and I think that some of the smells you would expect from that colour highlighter is actually a different smell. I brought along some of my bracelets for sound due to the fact that I love the sound they make when you just move around and with depending on the material of the bracelet it creates interesting sounds, for example the clinging of metal bracelets. For taste I brought along jelly crystals as I always seem to eat some of the crystals before actually making the jelly because they just taste too good. Lastly for sight I brought along bubbles because I'm fascinated with that short moment when the bubble bursts or pops and you see something and the then the next moment its gone. Other peoples items were very interesting and seeing what their perception was on an item that connected to a certain sense. 

Then we split up into groups and made brainstorms  for one of the 5 senses that we were interested in. I was the only one interested in sight so I came up with this...

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